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Employees too afraid to report fraud?

Many of us have been in situations where we witness another employee cheating a company out of something – it could be merchandise theft, embezzlement or misuse of company time.  So, the question is, how many of us actually report it? 

If you are in Human Resources or if you own a company, it is important to have a specific plan in place to handle reports of possible fraud.  Maybe your employees are too afraid to come forward because they fear retaliation if the individual committing the fraud figures out who came forward.  If the person committing the fraud is also in a position of authority, the chance of someone coming forward declines further.

If you really want to be serious about eliminating fraud, make it easy for someone to come forward with information.  At AISG, they have a team of Investigators who get to the bottom of fraud because they remove the personal element.  Someone is more apt to confide in a 3rd party representative.  AISG can work it out so your employees can come straight to them and remain anonymous prior to working through Human Resources within your company.  The Investigator simply contacts HR when a claim of fraud comes in to get their approval on measures needed to investigate further.  It’s such a small way to help your employees feel more comfortable in telling the truth about fraud that may be happening in your company.  Wouldn’t you want to know?

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