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Parental Supervision Cams – Teenage Gatherings

Your teenager wants to have some friends over.  Sounds fun … but let’s be realistic.  Can you be assured they are all behaving?

You can’t possibly watch them every minute they are in your home.  We are not suggesting you micromanage them but you do need to protect your guests AND yourself.

Did you know?

  • 56.3 % of underage drinkers in 2007 reported that their last use of alcohol occurred in someone else’s home?
  • The three leading causes of death for 15 to 24-year-olds are automobile crashes, homicides and suicides — alcohol is a leading factor in all three.

So how can you best protect your family from being added to these grim statistics?

Keep having the parties.  You’d rather have them where YOU can keep track of them, right?  Yes, it’s a big responsibly, but let us help.

“Teen cams” can prevent these statistics from becoming a reality in your home.  Call us and we can help you decide what kind of covert camera systems would work best for you.

Without having to be the party pooper by sitting among your teen’s friends, you can be “in the know” without them knowing.  Now be smart about it – don’t go over the deep end and worry about who has their arm around who or how much Suzie and Peter are flirting, but DO be on the lookout for drinking or possible drug use.

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We know the teenage years can be the most challenging times a parent will experience as we have been there too!  We also found some links to some helpful sites:

Keep Tabs on Teens

A Parent’s Guide to Teenage Parties

Alcohol Consumption Under Parental Supervision

Underage Drinking Laws/Hosting Laws by State